Please describe your item(s) in as much detail as possible. Information such as dimensions, what materials the item is made of (i.e. wood, plaster, porcelain), and your item’s current condition are all very helpful for our experts to make an accurate estimate.
We suggest providing at least three .jpg images per item. These should include; one image of the entire object, and detailed views of the area(s) of damage and/or pieces.
If you are submitting an inquiry for painting restoration, please provide an additional photograph of the back of the canvas.
Our team will review all inquiries and assess the best course of action to suit your needs.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Trefler’s Pick up and Delivery Services ~
Did you know that Trefler’s offers pick up and delivery services?
Did you know that Trefler’s has a fully staffed and ready to schedule fee-based pick up and delivery service? Our pick up and delivery crew arrives at your residence ready to pack and transport any items that need our restoration services – pieces that are too large or heavy to move yourself or multiple pieces of furniture and artwork. We carefully pack your pieces for transport and our van is fully equipped for every job. Items are carefully tagged and entered into our inventory system upon arrival at our studios. Once your restoration work is completed, our delivery team are on the scene again to return your pieces to you so you can enjoy them for many years to come.
Call us at 617.965.3388 for more information.