Please describe your item(s) in as much detail as possible. Information such as dimensions, what materials the item is made of (i.e. wood, plaster, porcelain), and your item’s current condition are all very helpful for our experts to make an accurate estimate.
We suggest providing at least three .jpg images per item. These should include; one image of the entire object, and detailed views of the area(s) of damage and/or pieces.
If you are submitting an inquiry for painting restoration, please provide an additional photograph of the back of the canvas.
Our team will review all inquiries and assess the best course of action to suit your needs.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Trefler’s enlists an exclusively ‘trade only’ custom upholsterer for restoration projects that necessitate upholstery or reupholstery services.
With a proven history of excellence in executing high-end, bespoke upholstery, our partner has over 40 years in the trade.
This partnership enables Trefler’s to provide access to the best craftsmanship in the industry, offering designer-level quality, all while ensuring a straightforward and positive customer experience with us.
Upholstery restoration
Cushion replacement
Rebuilding seats
Replacing webbing & springs
Replacing padding
Upholstery cleaning
Cowtan & Tout
Jane Churchill
Manuel Canovas
Edelman Leather
We believe that sharing the process of our vendor’s work can inspire and encourage others.